ITV News

2 posts

Video: Breaking news panel at news:rewired

The breaking news panel at news:rewired featured Chris Hamilton, social media editor for BBC News, Paul Quigley, chief executive of NewsWhip Spike, Justine Mackinnon, co-founder of CrisisMappersUK and Jason Mills, editor, web at ITV News. The session was moderated by Laura Oliver, community manager at the Guardian.

The session included a look at breaking news strategy on social media as well as on a news outlet’s own digital platforms. It also showed delegates the potential use of mapping technology and crowdsourcing to find and tell stories as they happen, as well as a consideration of three different types of breaking news “perspectives”.

You can catch-up on the discussion with this video.

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How ITV News re-invented its website with live streams of news

A look at the ITV News ‘digital native’ website which re-imagines storytelling, presenting a live stream of stories in real time.

In this post Jason Mills, editor of web development for ITV News, explains the thinking behind the site and how it is created by the regional and national team of journalists.

Jason will be speaking about the new concept at news:rewired – full stream ahead, which takes place on 13 July at MSN HQ, London.

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