Christian Jensen's posts

2 posts

Turning engaged readers into super-engaged readers: Advice for creating a successful newsletter strategy

The email newsletter is seeing a resurgence in popularity, having experienced a slow period as the news world went through a “method-of-the-year” style approach to audience engagement as hype for new concepts came and went.

From RSS to curation to social media it became easy to overlook the humble newsletter, but doing so means doing yourself a severe disservice.

At newsrewired, we gathered a panel with representatives from organisations known for their high quality and popular newsletters, chaired by Federica Cherubini, international head of knowledge sharing at Condé Nast International.

The article is a compilation of the various strategies, approaches, experiences and tips from the panel.

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Constructive journalism: a cure for reader disengagement?

Constructive journalism is experiencing a rise in engagement from both the public and the press, driven by a need for solutions to consumer news fatigue or outright rejection.

A newsrewired panel with speakers running a range of constructive projects, moderated by Seán Dagan Wood, publisher of Positive News, shared experiences of the negative aspects of our current journalistic practice, and the potential benefits of a more constructive approach.

Overlapping with solutions journalism, constructive journalism aims to focus on more positive aspects of the stories being covered. Far from meaning journalists should gloss over issues in favour of fluff, this practice aims to present a fuller, more accurate picture by also highlighting solutions to the problems highlighted by the news agenda.

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