in focus

2 posts

Final programme for news:rewired ‘in focus’ and new speakers announced

With just under two weeks to go to our first ‘in focus’ event on social media newsgathering and verification, is pleased to announce the final programme for the day, including new speakers from Reuters and The Associated Press.

Joining our expert line-up will be: John Pullman, global head of pictures and video at Reuters; George Sargent, social media producer at Reuters; Beth Colson, head of news production, international video, at The Associated Press; and Matt Cooke, UK, Ireland and Nordics lead at News Lab, Google, who is kindly sponsoring the event.

The half-day conference will take a detailed look at the questions surrounding eyewitness media search and verification, taking place on Wednesday 21 October at Reuters in Canary Wharf, London.

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More speakers announced for news:rewired ‘in focus’ in October

With only one month to go to news:rewired ‘in focus’, our half-day conference taking an in-depth look at social media newsgathering and verification, we’re delighted to announce more speakers who will be joining our expert line-up on 21 October.

Gavin Rees, the director of Dart Centre Europe, runs workshops and discussion groups on trauma awareness, resilience and interviewing skills for working journalists in a range of countries around the world. Gavin will be joining the ‘Wild West of social media’ panel alongside Aine Kerr, managing editor of Storyful, and Sam Dubberley, co-founder of the Eyewitness Media Hub.

And Mark Frankel, assistant editor, UGC and social news, at the BBC, will lead a practical workshop in the second half of the event, giving us an insight into the BBC’s social media newsgathering process.

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