
Check out the agenda for November’s newsrewired

newsrewired, July 2017- Political journalism and election reflections

How can you better create stories for mobile audiences? When would collaborations benefit your organisation, and how can you build a workflow suitable for you and your partners? How are media organisations using virtual reality and should you invest in it too? Can graphic novels be used in journalism?

Find out the answer to these questions and many more at our next newsrewired digital journalism event on 22 – 23 November at Reuters in London. is pleased to announce the agenda for the day – check out the panels, workshops, and spotlight talks delegates can attend here.

We are still working on confirming a few sessions and speakers, so some things may change slightly before 22 November, but register now to avoid missing out on tickets as places are going fast.

The conference:

Tickets for the conference cost just £180+VAT.

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At our fingertips: Storytelling for mobile

From video to longform, text-based articles, how can media organisations tell stories better suited to a mobile audience? And how do smartphone users’ behaviours shape how they interact with media brands? This panel will discuss best practices from newsrooms as well as outline some of the challenges and considerations when producing content for a mobile audience, whether that’s a data visualisation or a news story.

How to make the most of newsroom experiments

By nature, experiments require organisations to take risks and invest time and resources in projects that can have varying degrees of success, and that may or may not be replicated in the future. So how can we make the most of them, whether it’s launching a product, refreshing the strategy on a particular platform, or trying a new technology?

In this practical workshop, we will look at how we can set up goals for an experimental project, and how we can develop a framework for taking lessons from such initiatives that can be applied to future experiments. We will also aim to examine how news organisations prepare for roadblocks and for the idea that new projects might not go quite as planned.

All hands on deck: Benefits and challenges of collaboration in the newsroom

Many projects now involve staff members from different teams within a media organisation, as well as journalists from other newsrooms altogether. What are some best practices for managing a successful collaboration between journalists, developers, and product teams, or even between journalists at different publications who could be seen as competitors? And what type of projects can you collaborate on?

This panel will look at different types of editorial collaboration, and it will examine some of the workflows, benefits and challenges of participating in this type of projects.

Immersive video workshop

Virtual reality and 360-degree video have arrived in newsrooms, transporting audiences to the centre of the story and enabling them to consume the news in a more immersive way than ever before.

In this workshop, we will take a look at some of the great films made so far, produced with a variety of techniques, from 3D scanning technology to CGI or illustration.

Delegates will leave with a greater appreciation of what can be done with this technology, and no doubt brimming with ideas of how to take it back to their organisation.


Read more about the agenda and find out who will be speaking here.


The training day: will also be hosting a day of training at Reuters on 23 November 2017.

Delegates can also register for newsrewired+, which will give them access to the conference on 22 Nov and one hands-on workshop the following day. As a newsrw+ delegate, you can choose between three in-depth courses on 23 Nov:

From Snapchat to Instagram: Stories on social media

If you think all social apps are starting to look the same, they are. The camera is the new keyboard and the future of social media looks like photos, ​g​ifs, text, videos and music, mixed into vertical cards. They call the all-in-one experience ‘Stories.’ Snapchat invented it, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and even Skype have now all adopted it – the vertical, mobile format dominating the social media galaxy. This new course led by Sumaiya Omar, social media consultant and co-founder of social video company Hashtag Our Stories, will teach you how to use Instagram Stories, Snapchat, and Facebook Stories effectively.

An introduction to podcasting

Podcasts and online audio are at the heart of the business of digital media. With audiences flocking to the medium in record numbers and radio listening on connected devices at an all time high, there’s never been a better time to learn about and create audio. This practical workshop, led by former BBC producer Jack Soper, will examine the skills required to create short radio packages or podcasts. You will learn how to tailor content for a specific audience, then record, edit and publish it online. You will gain skills in interviewing, script writing and delivery, and the use of music and sound effects.

Online media law refresher (UK focus)

There have been some dramatic developments in online media law over the last few years, such as the continuing effects of the 2013 Defamation Act, the emergence of the Data Protection Act as a tool used against journalists, and changes to the laws of privacy and copyright. Led by Dr Richard Danbury, a journalist, qualified lawyer and legal academic, this one-day course will bring you straight up-to-date with the latest developments, including advice on using content from social media and comment moderation. Whether you are an experienced journalist who had legal training before online publishing was a consideration or are simply in need of a media law refresher, this course will tell you all you need to know.

Newsrewired+ tickets are available for £368 +VAT. They represent a 10 per cent discount compared to booking tickets for both days separately.

Both the conference and training day are hosted at the Reuters office in Canary Wharf, London.

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If you’d like to suggest topics of discussion at the conference or if you’d like to get involved as a speaker or sponsor, please get in touch by emailing catalina [at]

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