While scholars have the power to prompt journalists to face uncomfortable professional truths, change is not always welcome
How journalists and scholars can work together to solve news industry’s problems

While scholars have the power to prompt journalists to face uncomfortable professional truths, change is not always welcome
With only two weeks left until news:rewired – beyond the story we are happy to announce live journalism Platform ScribbleLive as gold sponsor for the event.
As the election fever dies down, the Not on the Wires team share and explain four online resources for reporting politics
news:rewired is proud to announce video platform Kyte as a silver sponsor for our second news:rewired event at Microsoft UK, London, on 25 June 2010.
Courtesy of Glyn Mottershead, one of the delegates at news:rewired, here’s audio of Tony Hirst from the Open University talking about in-browser data-mashing for journalists.
In the data mashing session, Open University lecturer Tony Hirst presented on ‘Playing with data – all you need is glue’.
If you attended news:rewired but missed some talks or you couldn’t make the day altogether, below is a round-up of coverage from the sessions.
The success of volunteer-driven local media depends on a platform for marginalised voices and good human relations, delegates were told.
Citizens are now able “poke the beast of authority” at the touch of a button, according to Francis Irving, senior developer at mySociety.org
The afternoon crowdsourcing session at news:rewired was dominated by disagreements about the value of citizen journalism