We’re pleased to announce real-time reporting platform ScribbleLive as the first sponsor of news:rewired, which takes place on Friday 19 April.
The one-day digital journalism conference will bring together experts and innovators from the digital journalism industry for a day of inspiring presentations, practical workshops and topical discussions.
Sessions will focus on the latest techniques and tools being used in forward-thinking newsrooms in the UK and beyond. Read about some of the subjects to be discussed on the day here.
ScribbleLive was founded in 2008 by Michael De Monte and Jonathan Keebler, who had a vision to build a product that would allow ‘real-time collaborative storytelling’.
Today ScribbleLive serves millions of readers with billions of minutes of content every month. Its news clients include the Press Association, CNN, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Telegraph Media Group.
It offers a “feature-rich platform that powers live blogging, real-time journalism and on-the-fly story telling”, ScribbleLive explains on its site.
“We also create new revenue opportunities through content syndication and advertising”
Chief executive Michael De Monte will be speaking at news:rewired on a session dedicated to curation and the role of the journalist as manager.
For more information on ScribbleLive visit their website, or on the day of the conference delegates can meet members of the ScribbleLive team at their exhibition stand.
This will follow a keynote speech by manager of journalism and news at Twitter Mark Luckie, who will discuss best practice for journalists using the social media platform.
We will be announcing more session and speaker details very soon; keep an eye on www.newsrewired.com for regular updates.
There are two ticketing options for news:rewired:
- news:rewired: Delegates can purchase a ticket for the one-day conference for just £130 +VAT. Tickets include lunch, refreshments and after event drinks on the day.
- news:rewired PLUS: These tickets offer a place at the conference, as well as a day of intensive training the day before the event. The three options on offer for the day of training prior to the event are advanced online research with Colin Meek, data visualisation with Paul Bradshaw and Caroline Beavon, and online video journalism with Adam Westbrook. Space on these training courses will be limited and running of them will be subject to demand. news:rewired PLUS tickets are available for just £310 (+VAT).
You can buy either of these tickets at this link. If you select a news:rewired PLUS ticket Journalism.co.uk will contact you to confirm which training course you would like to attend on the Thursday (18 April) and provide further details.
Find out more about news:rewired PLUS tickets at this link.