We’re pleased to announce Scoopshot as the latest sponsor of news:rewired, which takes place on Friday 19 April.
The one-day digital journalism conference will be held at MSN UK’s offices in Victoria, London.
Scoopshot helps news outlets gather images and video from users who can submit content and state the cost to use it. Media companies can also set “tasks” to request specific content via its mobile app.
Chief executive of Scoopshot Niko Ruokosuo will join the participatory communities session panel at news:rewired. The session will look at engagement with news communities and developing contributory networks.
“Scoopshot looks forward to sharing with the news:rewired audience how a community of a quarter of a million mobile contributors can be used to get instant, unique and authentic image content about anything from anywhere in the world,” the company said.
The rest of the panel includes Blair Hickman, social media producer at ProPublica, Jo Kelly, communities editor for Trinity Mirror regionals and Sarah Brown, a producer at CNN iReport.
The full agenda can be found online, and there is still time to join us on the day. The remaining tickets can be bought at this link for just £130 +VAT each.