Tech for humans or humans for tech, that is the question writes Andrew Webb
Humans vs machines: the publishing world’s tech tango

Tech for humans or humans for tech, that is the question writes Andrew Webb
New CEO Dmitry Shishkin’s vision for titles across Central and Eastern Europe and Africa is automated copy suggestions and follow-up story recommendations to give audiences exactly what they want.
“Who is the enemy? Is it the stagnant economy, the tech platforms or news avoidance? I’d suggest it’s none of those. The enemy is inertia,” says head of digital Edward Roussel at Newsrewired
With the start of social distancing policies as a response to the covid-19 crisis, newsrooms have quickly had to reconfigure as distributed, digital spaces. We are going to be working within distributed frameworks for a significant amount of time, far beyond the immediate crisis and disruption the start of this outbreak has caused.
Many journalists and publishers are struggling to get to grips with blockchain.
To explain it in simple terms, blockchain is a growing list of records – called blocks – which are encrypted and linked. Each block also contains a timestamp and other information about the origin of data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data it contains, which may come in handy when we need to protect news content from tampering or even censorship.
Blockchain is not just about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin; this technology has started to move into all kinds of sectors, from real estate to healthcare – and now journalism.
While the journalism community is slowly starting to take note of blockchain, many still use it as a bit of a buzzword without knowing 100 per cent sure what it actually means.
A video of the lightning round at news:rewired on Friday 19 April, which introduced delegates to a number of new tools and technology in the digital journalism world.
Editor of recently-launched Tech City News Alex Wood started with an overview of three new tools which could be of use to digital journalists, followed by Anthony Sheehan‘s introduction to Near You Now and David Tomchak, who discussed new video app Vizibee.