
7 posts

The double-edged sword of blockchain

Many journalists and publishers are struggling to get to grips with blockchain.

To explain it in simple terms, blockchain is a growing list of records  – called blocks – which are encrypted and linked. Each block also contains a timestamp and other information about the origin of data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of the data it contains, which may come in handy when we need to protect news content from tampering or even censorship.

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1 week to go until Newsrewired | Three new speakers joining the conference

Speakers from Reach, Nice-Matin and NewsBlocks will join us at Newsrewired

Is it worthwhile converting your written content into audio and making it available on Amazon Alexa or Google Chrome? What if stories focused on solutions rather than problems could attract a larger audience? And why is it important to get out of the London bubble and focus on your regional readers?

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5 things you will learn at Newsrewired

How to reinvent your mobile storytelling

Fifty-six per cent of UK news consumers get their news via smartphone. Although technology has changed the distribution of news dramatically, most stories are still told in the same way as they were 100 years ago. One of our workshops will teach you how to create mobile-friendly stories using creative visual formats, such as AMP stories, timelines, and more.

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