Marcela Kunova's posts

76 posts

Two new speakers announced for newsrewired panel on getting Gen Z engaged with the news

With less than 10 weeks to go until the next newsrewired digital journalism conference, taking place on 7 November at Reuters in London, the team is pleased to announce two more speakers joining us on the day.

McKenna Grant is a London-based Snapchat senior content editor at the Telegraph. Her team implemented a brand-new Snapchat editorial strategy at the newspaper in June 2017 and now the Telegraph’s Discover platform attracts an average of over one million daily unique viewers.

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Vogue International’s Sarah Marshall to keynote at’s next Newsrewired conference

We are pleased to announce that Sarah Marshall, head of audience growth at Vogue International, will be our keynote speaker at the upcoming newsrewired conference in November.

Audience growth is the key aim of every news organisation. Figuring out not only who follows your content but who will pay attention to it next is key for staying on top of your game.

Since Facebook changed its news feed algorithm, it has become harder for news organisations to gain traffic from platform shares.

In her keynote speech at newsrewired in London on 7 November 2018, Sarah Marshall will share her best tips on widening your pool of readers and spotting new trends in content sharing.

She will talk data, key performance indicators (KPIs), plans and targets; patterns in traffic and reader behaviour; the Facebook algorithm and the growth of search; and how Vogue is engaging audiences on Instagram and Snapchat.

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Ellen Stewart, head of content at the world’s most-read LGBT media platform, PinkNews, joins opening panel on Gen Z

The opening panel at the newsrewired conference will explore what the younger generation (13-24) who never knew life without smartphones wants from news organisations.

The panellists will look at how to get the Gen Z engaged with your brand and, crucially, make them stay so you get ahead of your competition.

Ellen Stewart, head of content at the world’s most-read LGBT media platform, PinkNews, specialises in audience development and editorial campaigns. For the last three months, she has acted as launch Snapchat editor, with PinkNews becoming the first LGBT+ outlet to publish to Discover.

She previously worked at the Evening Standard as acting growth editor and head of social, where she built an audience team from the ground up and successfully delivered double-figure growth across social and SEO.

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Announcing the agenda for the next newsrewired conference

The next newsrewired digital journalism conference will take place on 7 November 2018 at Reuters in Canary Wharf, London.

Over the past couple of weeks, the team has been working on the programme for the event, and we’re pleased to announce our first session ideas we are currently developing.

The tickets (£190+VAT) give you access to the full-day conference on Wednesday 7 November 2018 and include lunch and refreshments, as well as after-event networking drinks and a delegate ‘goodie’ bag.

One of the key sessions of the day will be a discussion about what Generation Z (13-24) wants from news organisations.

From designing mobile-first, shareable story formats, to publishing on popular and lesser-known social platforms, the panel will explore how to adapt news content for the swipe-savvy Gen Z.

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Date for your diary: The next newsrewired event is on 7 November

The next newsrewired digital journalism conference will take place on 7 November 2018 at Reuters in Canary Wharf, London.

This will be our 23rd conference and, as usual, we are aiming to provide delegates with practical skills and ideas they can take home and explore in their own organisations.

We are currently working on the programme, and details about sessions and speakers will be announced soon.

A limited number of early-bird tickets are now available.

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What to look forward to at newsrewired

The countdown has begun for our 22nd digital journalism conference newsrewired, which takes place in London on Wednesday 11 July.

A handful of tickets are still available. Buy yours for just £180 +VAT.

We have a great line-up of speakers from news outlets including Reuters, BuzzFeed News, The Guardian, The BBC, The Economist, The Telegraph, Financial Times and many more.

The day will kick off with a keynote speech on maintaining credibility and trust in an age of ‘fake news’, looking at how Reuters is addressing these issues by focusing on robust reporting, maintaining independence, increasing transparency and, when they occur, correcting mistakes quickly.

Following the keynote, a panel on “slow journalism” will look at the power of stories that are not tied to the daily news cycle, and two successive talks will shed the light on why an audience-first mindset is key, and the latest findings of Reuters Institute on podcast usage in 22 countries.

After the coffee break, we will hear an expert advice on how to make podcast a success, and new ways media organisations can finance innovation.

Following the networking lunch, the conference will split into two streams until later in the day. The panel sessions will look at constructive journalism that helps counter anxiety resulting from daily negative news stories, and building successful social media communities.

The workshop will help you navigate the world of free and paid-for apps for mobile journalism and make the best use of your smartphone for reporting.

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